Friday, January 29, 2010


On September 02, 2009 there was an article in TIME about the problem of Global Warming. We all know that the problem of global warming is man-made, which is created by gas emission and cutting trees. We know that we have added a lot of carbon dioxide and other different gases by deforestation and burning fossil fuel. Due to the increase of all these harmful gases the world's seasons are changing. There was a conference in Geneva where more than 150 countries gathered to discuss the problem of global warming and what steps need to be taken to create a better global alert system. They decided to share the information to the local communities in the country so any further losses can be controlled.

Here John Locke would tell us that when we install our labor into something, we can claim that as our property. But he says that we can only claim something which we can use. As all the natural resources are common for all to use. The people applied their labor to get the resources, but people have wasted a lot of resources which have created the situation of the global warming. Locke wants us to know that these natural resources are not something to store as property. Locke tells us how we should not waste the natural resources. These natural resources are precious for survival of mankind and should not be stored as property. Locke tells the people to use the resources wisely and not abuse them. People have consumed a lot of resources, which shows the inequality of its usage. Thus, certain people using more and wasting and others have to pay the price for it.

I agree with Locke that people have abused a lot of resources. They have collected and hoarded resources. These resources are for survival and they are not a property that we can call it as our own. As we know that emission of gases have created the problem of global warming. Due to deforestation the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cannot be converted into oxygen. I think there should be some kind of awareness that needs to be created that people can understand to use the natural resources wisely and only use these resources which we need and not waste them. As these resources are a gift to the mankind and it is not a property that we can claim as our own. We should use it for our survival.


  1. I agree and this is an interesting topic to link Locke too. We obviously cannot stop mankind and our desire for material things, so we need to find a way to curb the necessaries to save as much of the environment as we can. I believe Locke would say that we as individuals need to do our part to stop being so wasteful. I believe we cannot look to corporations to change and be more efficient because they only have the dollar sign imbedded in their mind. If each individual is less wasteful and applies Locke's theory to their own life I believe we can "clean" up our act.

  2. I agree that natural resources should be for all because they are essential for our survival. I liked your connection on global warming and how it means we are being wasteful. I didn't think to make that connection before. Like you mentioned before, Locke hated waste because it means you have stolen from someone who could have used it. With global warming, this generation is hurting future generations who might not get to see the many things that global warming is destroying.Plus, global warming is also threatening to destroy the natural things that are seen in this generation as well. Global warming is a direct consequence of our wastefulness.

  3. I would have never thought to connect this situation with Locke. I found your blog particularly interesting and I agree with you completely. The natural resources are essential for us to survive. If our society today was more aware of the global warming issues I think it would lessen the effects. I agree with you that Locke would consider this stealing from society. Corporations are the ones usually on the news wasting some kind of resource. Locke would say that they are stealing from others.

  4. By hoarding natural resources we are stealing from each other and nature. I agree with Bridjesh and Locke. We should start using resources more efficiently, and even though we put our labor into them and own them that does not mean that we should keep them from everyone else. If we use our resources efficiently we will have better chances for sustaining our economy too.

  5. This is interesting! While Locke tells us that when we instill our labor in something it becomes ours, the line is becoming increasingly harder to draw when it comes to how to divvy up natural resources in such a manner. I would primarily agree with you guys; natural resources such as water aren't really something that can be owned, per se, but I do find oil and other nonrenewable resources to be something that may be owned due to the fact that we use so much on a daily basis.

    However, with the mass ownership of resources we do indeed get into Locke's territory. I do not agree with the idea of buying up tons of resources unless it is *absolutely* necessary.
